What to post about, what to post about… well… maybe I should admit to my latest obsession. I have been sick, and while sick I have been doom scrolling the internet. To avoid talk of politics I’ve been sticking to Pinterest (thank goodness politics haven’t leaked onto there yet!) Somehow (maybe because Amy and I have been talking about camping) I started dreaming up ways to sleep 4 people in the Rav4. Impossible you say?! Maybe! But I’m going to try anyway. This puzzle is consuming my every waking hour outside of work. Even right now I’m thinking “if I make hanging beds out of steel bars, how will I pad them to avoid scratching the windows?”
The kids have also been sick. They are troopers though. They luckily both recovered pretty quickly. Patricia was devastated we made her miss her friend’s birthday (because she’d thrown up just 10 hours earlier mind you!) Julius stayed home from school for strep one day last week but he totally entertained himself the whole day except for a short period where he asked for help with the robotic hand he built (mainly by himself). They are such good kiddos. I pointed out to Julius tonight that one of the lion scouts was crying because he didn’t have a balloon and Julius played with his for a bit more and then decided to give his balloon away. He is the absolute sweetest I love him so much.
We got an email this week from Julius’ teacher that he was picked to read his poem for the Superintendent this Friday! I’m so proud of him! Julius also participated in the talent show this year. He was the only solo act and he played “Jolly Old Saint Nicholas” on the piano while wearing a beard and Santa hat. He looked very silly and he did a great job performing. Julius is such a good sharer that we always worry about him getting short changed. My mom has been taking Patricia to gymnastics on Mondays now (because of that bad day I posted about…) Julius was very sad because Meemah bought Patricia munchkins the first time (we said no munchkins next time). The second time Meemah bough munchkins for Julius and Patricia, but Patricia ate both sets of munchkins (we said doubly no munchkins next time). Since then Meemah has been sticking to healthy snacks, but Julius felt short changed because he didn’t get any munchkins. So I decided as a congratulations gift for his performance we’d get him munchkins. But, since I always have something else planned, I made them into roses.

I will say that dipping munchkins into melting wafers (guess the package didn’t say white chocolate, Will wanted me to know that) and making them look better than just lumpy masses is a bit difficult. I will say I used several different tricks to get things right (including how to mix regular gel food coloring into white chocolate without ceasing it) from frantic googling and reddit reading. I don’t have sources, but thank you redditors everywhere, you are the real heroes.

Munchkin Rose Bouquet
What you’ll need:
- 6 munchkins (original flavor, though I bet the chocolate ones would work)
- white melting wafers (whatever the heck those are)
- Pink and green gel food coloring (or water based food coloring)
- vegetable oil
- 6 skewers or cake pop sticks (you’ll have to saw off the sharp parts!)
1. Melt half the bag of the melting wafers according to package instructions.
2. When fully smooth and melted add a few drops of vegetable oil and drop a few drops of pink gel food coloring on top.
3. Stir until smooth, then dip one end of the skewer into the melts. Stick into a munchkin. Repeat.

4. Once dry (should be pretty quickly) dip first munchkin into the melts, and tap the excess off gently. Repeat.

5. If they are still lumpy (probably), dip them again (you may have to microwave the melties for 30 seconds to keep them melty.
6. This next part is tricky, put the pink melted goo into a piping bag and cut the tip for about a 1mm hole. You will need to do this fast or the not-chocolate will set*. Make a spiral shape on the top of each munchkin and down the sides towards the skewer to make it look like a rose.

7. Melt more melty things. Add oil and green food coloring as in step 1 & 2. Put into piping bag with 1mm hole cut.

8. Pipe green around the stem of the roses and pipe leaves onto a silpat (or parchment) sheet. Affix the leaves with more green melty stuff.

9. Let set completely then wrap in tissue and brown paper (hiding the sticks)

*If the not-chocolate starts to set, pinch the tip of the piping bag (so water can’t get in) and then hold under hot water until it melts. (Kneading until it’s all melted). Dry quickly and continue.