Sorry that I’m a few days late again! I was a single parent with one kid earlier this week and it turns out that is a crazy amount of work! How do all the single parents do it?! They are the real heroes. Plus I ended up with the “easy” child… Though honestly Patricia is such a sweetie and really has come out of the terrible twos and threenager years. She’s so much better at controlling her temper these days. And she’s still full of adorable quotes. Here are a few from the last week (when I was actually with her):
Me (talking about the picture above): Is it a hat?Patricia: No it’s a rock with a unicorn horn with a rainbow rock on top.
Patricia (out of the blue, trust me there is 0 context): I don’t want to put Santa on the bad list! He’s the good guy!
Patricia (hands and feet on the ground and butt in the air as I walk by her in Sugar’s lounge room while everyone else is having dinner): I’m a cheese! Eat me!
Some timely quotes there. I know it’s Christmas and I promised to show the 10 year in the making Xmas project (and st this point getting your hopes up for nothing) but wanted to get this unicorn tutorial out there first. It was actually quite easy to decorate Patricia’s cupcakes as unicorns! It’s a combo of a bunch of techniques from all over the place that totally work!
Unicorn Cupcakes
What you’ll need:
- fondant (I used this marshmallow fondant recipe)
- American buttercream icing (takes gel color better)
- Red yellow orange green blue violet black gel food coloring
- piping tips
- making sheet
- parchment paper
- cupcakes
1. Make ears and horns out of fondant. For the ears I made a leaf shape and then pinched in the bottom.
2. For the horns I dyed some fondant yellow then made 1″ carrot shapes and then used the side of a toothpick to indent a swirl around the edges.
3. Let the horns and ears dry for several days.
4. Frost your cupcakes by making a batch of American Buttercream (I use this one). And prepare a couple baking trays lined with parchment.
5. Fill a piping bag fitted with a large round cupcake tip with 2/3 of the frosting. Pipe a large blob of frosting in the center of each cupcake.
6. Carefully invert the cupcake and slowly press it into the parchment paper. Make sure the cupcake sits evenly an the blob smooths out rather centered.
7. Repeat until you fill the tray of cupcakes then pop in the freeze for 5 minutes while you repeat step 6 with the second half.
8. After 5 minutes in the freezer remove your cupcakes. Gently remove each cupcake from the parchment, peeling it away slowly.
9. Divide the rest of the frosting into 8ths. (It will only be a few tablespoons each.)
10. Using gel food coloring, color the frosting black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Place all the colors but black in individual little rolls of plastic wrap in hot dog like shapes.
11. Place the rolls of frosting in rainbow order next to each other in a circle, then cut the bottom of the plastic wrap tubes to expose the frosting
12. Place the bundle of tubes into a piping bag fitted with a small sized star tip.
13. Pipe a moon of hair at the top of the cupcake followed by a little tuft in the center.
14. Use the black frosting and a fine line tip, pipe little eyelids below the hair.
15. The day of serving (don’t do it earlier or the fondant will wilt) insert ears and horn into frosting. (I frosted them the night before then inserted the fondant the following morning).