We had a busy weekend! Davis Farmland, a birthday party, family photos, and a quick visit to my parents’ house and all that was just on Sunday! I also got some new chairs for my kitchen island. I bought these off of facebook marketplace and I was really excited because since we’ve moved in we’ve only had 3 chairs had the island, so I’ve been using the Inglesina booster chair attached to the counter for Patricia. She’s getting closer to the age/weight limit, and lately has been wanting to sit in the big kid chairs, leaving Will or I to stand. (Or let’s be honest, me to work while everyone else is eating. I’m working on it I promise.) On top of that, she usually climbs into her booster chair by climbing on one of the other chairs and stepping over, which is super dangerous, especially since the chairs swivel.
So anyway, I brought these new chairs home, and set them all up and Will showed Patricia how she now has a big girl chair, thinking she’d be very excited. Instead she very firmly stated “I don’t want a big chair, I want my little chair”. Julius took one look at his new chair and started sobbing. Will did tell me that he thought they were awesome, so I guess it’s 50/50.
I have to tell you a cute story about Julius. He went to his friend’s birthday party this weekend. We went to the toy store and picked out a present for his friend, and then before the party I had him write a card. I thought he was just going to sign his name, but he wrote an entire letter with no help from me. When I walked over to read it it said, “Dear Emma, You make me smile. Love Julius. Shark List: Mako, Ghost”. I asked him about the shark list and he said “I just thought maybe she’d like to know some sharks.” Which, well, you never know I guess. He’s been more than a little obsessed with sharks the past month…
Well speaking of obsessed, I’m obsessed with this project I just finished, but I am going to wait to show you next week! It is something that has been on my to-do list for ages now, and it feels so good to tackle it. Enough about that for now, I’ll show you next week. Another obsession?? Snickerdoodles. Those things are over the top delicious. For Earth Day the kid’s helped me make snickerdoodles that I’m calling “Dirty Earth” cookies. (Slightly depressing I guess, but yeah there’s a lot of s**t in space. Check this out if you don’t believe me.) Patricia and Julius both helped me make these bad boys. They were super helpful.
Dirty Earth Cookies (aka snickerdoodles)
What you’ll need:
- a batch of your favorite snickerdoodle dough (I like this version though I find the cookies need the upper end of the baking time or they’ll be raw in the middle AND I must make them smaller than she does because the recipe yields almost double what it claims)
- blue and green food coloring
- cinnamon and sugar mix for rolling (the version I use recommends 1/4 c sugar to 1.5 Tbsp cinnamon)
After you dough is mixed, divide in half, and add green food coloring to one half, blue to the other. I used 10 drops for each half. Mix well until the color is distributed then let dough chill for at least an hour (I usually do overnight).

Add food coloring to half the dough then mix (tip: I remove half the dough, add blue food coloring, mix, remove blue dough, then add in the plain dough and green food coloring)
After dough has chilled, scoop out 2 small chunks of blue and two small chunks of green, stick them together and roll into a ball to form an Earth looking ball.
Repeat for like 40 more cookies. Balls should be about 1″ in diameter.
Let your children roll the balls in the cinnamon sugar mixture and then place on a lined cookie sheet (don’t flatten, then they will puff up and look more like the planet Earth).
Cook for 11 minutes at 350 F then transfer to wire rack to cool.