Oh boy what a day. I have been pretty stressed at work lately and today was no exception plus I had to leave early (ideally before 4) to get Patricia from school to get her to gymnastics. I don’t know why but I can never get there on time. It’s just that 4pm is like the worst possible time for me in my day. The West Coast is just getting back from lunch and Costa rica is going home soon so (like me) they are trying to wrap things up. I ended up getting asked some questions 20 minutes before I needed to leave. It was a disaster most were not quick answers. I told them I had to run and left to get Patricia at like 405. Her daycare is close so I got there at 411 but of course there are no parking spots. I park in the back and go to her classroom. She wasn’t in there but I picked up her stuff quickly and left.
I get to the other classroom and she (for once) doesn’t ask to finish reading the pile of books she has, finishing coloring an entire picture or finish a 36 piece puzzle so I feel like we’re doing pretty optimally on time all things considered. So she runs to her room (while I’m yelling at her to do walking feet and sheepishly apologizing while getting glares from the admins). She remembers she left her tiger and pillow which are both in her nap bag outside the room. Perfect, no distractions from her wanting to hug each classmate before she leaves. But tiger isn’t there. She runs into the classroom, locates tiger and only hugs 2 people before leaving.
We get in the car (pretty optimally timed again because she lets me buckle which is sooo much faster). By this point it’s 4:21. (1 minute past her class start.) Not so bad, the gym is the same distance as home. Oh but wait, we’re parked in the back so we have to go all the way around the building onto a one way road in the wrong direction, turn around in the hospital parking lot next door and loop around that back to the rotary which adds 2 minutes. (The owners at the Inn near the daycare refuse to let us exit out the shared back exit of the Inn and parking lot because they’re assholes they feel it is disruptive to their completely empty parking lot alleged customers. That would save me 2 minutes though every single day (and 2 minutes for Will every single day). Which is what… 250 days * 2 minutes/day… 500 minutes?! Yeah nevermind going with assholes extreme curmudgeons again.
Anyway I digress! I make it to gymnastics, check Patricia in and get her into the class by 4:31. Only 11 minutes late… Sigh. I’m muttering to myself the whole time that I can never get there on time and the other moms are listening and commiserating and making me feel better (even though let’s be honest I have a very obvious time management problem).
Then Patricia comes up to the window to get a drink and is scratching her head a bunch. So I’m thinking ‘please lord of heaven or hell or any other immortal universe that cares to listen don’t let her have lice again’. And Patricia thru the glass sees that ‘oh no is it lice’ look in my eyes and she walks out to see me. The she proffers her head for me to check. So I start looking thru her hair then quickly realize what I’m doing in front of all these other moms and I say ‘I don’t see anything you’re fine’. But now I’m embarrassed and all I’m thinking about is lice so I mutter to no one in particular ‘she’s had lice several times’. As if this is somehow going to make it better. Then I remember she only had lice once… which probably wouldn’t have been much better of a comment anyway but the damage is done. Now all these moms are probably thinking I sent my daughter into gymnastics with lice even though it’s probably just dry skin (she has terrible eczema as does Julius). One of them even made a loud comment like “well I really hope it’s not that” and made a pointed look at the other mom who chuckled and shook her head. Mortifying. Then I had to sit there for 20 more minutes pretending like I didn’t care about anyone else’s opinion and pretending to work while actually stressing out over how Patricia and I are never going to make new friends because of lice and trying really hard not to scratch my own head which was suddenly very itchy.
How have I become such a weirdo hermit in just a few years?!
Well, all that aside I’ve got a new plan. My BFFITWWW says this vegetarian pie is delicious so maybe I can make new friends by giving them pie! Forget “marry me” shepherds pie this is “Be My Friend You Won’t Regret It even though I’m a weirdo who brings up lice in public” Shepherds Pie.

Be My Friend Veg Shepherd’s Pie
- 16oz Mushrooms, sliced (I like baby bellas)
- 1 Onion, cubed
- 1.5 c lentils (ideally french green lentils but brown will work)
- .5 tsp mushroom powder (you could probably omit this)
- 1 Tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp gravy master
- 1 bag of frozen peas and carrots
- 2 Tbsp veggie boullion and 5 cups water or 5 cups veggie broth
- 3 bags garlic instant mashed potatoes (I know, I know homemade are probably better)
- 1 Tbsp corn starch
Saute mushrooms and onions in olive oil on medium-high heat until onions are soft and mushrooms are browned and releasing their juices. Add lentils, mushroom powder, soy sauce, gravy master and veggie boullion & water or broth. Simmer for 25 min. Add carrots and peas and simmer an additional 5 minutes or so until peas and carrots are cooked (add more water if things are starting to look dry). Salt and pepper to taste. Add 1tbsp corn starch mixed with 1 tbsp water and simmer 5 more min.
While the lentils are simmering, prepare the mashed potatoes following package directions. If they only call for water I prefer to substitute milk for some of the water after your water has boiled.
Finally assemble in a 9″x13″ casserole dish. First pour the lentil mixture on the bottom and spread so it’s even, then add mashed potatoes in a layer on top until completely covered. Take a fork and rough up the mashed potatoes a bit. From here you can refrigerate overnight if desired.
Bake in 400 F oven for 20 to 25 minutes until lentils are bubbling and the top is browned a bit.

One of my favorite Lexi inventions since she became vegetarian. Delicious!
Thanks babe! See everyone?! Will approved!
Thoroughly enjoyed the readthrough of your internal monologue. I feel your pain. Just let that freak flag fly I say. :)
Hahahha perfect Collins quote. You made me feel better Mark, I reread this yesterday and thought I sounded completely unhinged…
This lentils shepherds pie is sooo good. I ate two platefuls and wanted to eat more!
Definitely feel ya on feeling awkward around other moms.
Also, can those other moms solder or make cool things? I doubt it. I would pick you a million times over them any day.