A Grand Day In

VACATION!!!  This week is Thanksgiving!  I am very excited that my siblings and their families are coming to visit!  This is the first year I’m hosting people at my house for the holiday week, so we’re working to get everything ready – places to sleep and food to eat.  Julius is very excited to see his cousins and has been talking about it for weeks.  Since this week feels like a party I wanted to kick off the festive air and share what we did for Julius’ birthday party!  A few months ago when I asked what theme he wanted for his party he told me “Wallace and Gromit” which was his favorite movie at the time.  So I planned this awesome Wallace and Gromit party for Julius and a week before the party he broke down crying, “I want a CARS party with Lighting McQueen”.  Despite the near drama over the theme he was super excited by everything and had a great time.

Wallace and Gromit 4th Birthday


Julius loves “A Grand Day Out”, the first Wallace and Gromit short, which was one of the first movies he ever saw.  If you are unaware, Wallace and Gromit are a British human-dog inventor duo who get up to all sorts of trouble.  In “A Grand Day Out” they run out of cheese, and decide to build a rocket ship to get to the universe’s foremost supply of free cheese, the moon.  Since Julius’s birthday is in November it was too chilly for a Grand Day Out so instead we did “A Grand Day In”

Wallace & Gromit

Give Away

I just cannot help myself making up goody bags for the kids so this time the give-aways included Home Depot aprons that I personalized with names names cut with my cricut from heat transfer vinyl.  The aprons were polypropylene,  So I could only iron at 265 degrees Farenheit.  It took a lot longer to fuse at this temp.  In addition to the aprons I gave everyone a pair of kids’ s afety goggles, peg dolls of Wallace and Gromit and a rocket wood working kit.

Each bag contained a rocket project, Wallace & Gromit pegdolls, a personalized apron and safety goggles.


Much like Wallace and Gromit, Julius loves to build things.  We have done every single Home Depot Kids’ Workshop kit since the start of the pandemic.  At this point Julius can put them together with little help from me.  I wanted to make a Wallace and Gromit themed wood working kit, so I decided on a wooden rocket ship.  The kids would have to glue, hammer and screw the ship together.  Afterwards they could paint it in the color of their choice.  I did the woodworking craft in my work shop and set out little hammers and screwdrivers for the kids.  On the far side of the work shop I set up a little table with paint.  I think both kids really enjoyed the craft, and Caleb, who I pre-built a rocket for, seemed to like painting it.

Paint setup

Wood working setup with wood glue, paper towels, hammers, screwdrivers and sandpaper.

Kids hard at work on their rocket wood working project.

The kiddos hard at work painting.

Caleb is doing a fabulous time decorating.

I also made a giant cardboard rocket ship out of the refrigerator box from our new fridge.  It took up a lot of space – so we pushed the furniture aside in the basement and set it up downstairs.  It was very difficult to get the fridge box into the basement, but afterwards the rest was easy!  I’ll post an update on this part at some point in the future.  The kids ended up eating lunch inside the ship too.

Julius eyeing the rocket ship.

Playing with the cardboard rocket.


A Grand Day Out is basically a picnic on the moon.  To emulate this I had lots of delicious picnic foods, including – of course – cheese and crackers.  The fun part though was that I bought tiny picnic baskets at Michaels, and let the kids pack their lunch into the baskets.  Then they got to have a picnic in the rocket ship.

Picnic baskets for the kiddos.

The picnic spread, clockwise from bottom left: PB&J sandwiches, olives, egg salad and chicken salad sandwiches, veggie platter, grapes, juice boxes, cheese platter, pepperoni, crackers

Kiddos having a picnic in the rocket.


Since it was a small party I made a half batch of cake and cupcakes.  I used the same vanilla cake recipe as last year and this time I really didn’t like the recipe.  For whatever reason it came out really dense.  I thought I could attribute that to my crazy round cake attempt, but even the cupcakes were dense.  It’s almost like I overmixed it – but I followed the recipe to a tee!  (Maybe that was the problem?)  The cake was a rainbow inside and shaped like… the moon.   For the cupcakes I experimented with the airbrush machine my mother in law got me a few years back.  I thought they looked pretty cute but they dyed everyone purple!  Yikes!

Moon cake with rocket landing and purple star cupcakes.

The kids look so happy for cake. Look at the twinkle in Julius’ eyes!



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A Year of Patricia

Wow I have SO MANY things that I have been working on that I cannot wait to show you!  I feel like I can relax finally.  Between working 14/7 and Halloween plus two kiddos birthdays within a 2 week window, I have been pretty burnt out.  I also have been sick the last week which didn’t help.  The good news is that we had a fun time with the kids’ parties and Halloween and now I have a backlog of crafts to share!

Speaking of birthdays… I cannot believe I have a one year old now!  It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with my little bunny (and scared of leaving my house at all costs).  She has grown up so quickly.  She’s been walking for a couple months and is completely mobile.  Yesterday we went for a walk and she was annoyed to be pushed in the stroller.  She wanted to run around and chase Julius.  My mom took her to get shoes a few weeks ago and they only had one pair of shoes in her tiny size in the whole store!

Patricia has been doing a lot more communication lately both verbal and nonverbal.  She claps whenever she likes something (I guess if you’re happy and you know it really drilled that in) and she is constantly pointing to things.  Today she pointed to the mermaid tail I made her (more on that in a future post) and plopped onto my lap so I could put it on her.  It was adorable.  She babbles a lot too.  I feel like I can see the gears turning when I talk to her too, and I really believe she understand me.  And she still ADORES her brother.  Even though she goes to daycare and have other toddler “friends” she adores Julius.  She’s constantly chasing him, giggling at him and hugging him.

I know I started the Halloween posts and should post more on that, but I’ll just take a quick break to show you yet another craft that I considered making when I had Julius, and only implemented a couple months after Patricia was born…  Age blocks!  They were not hard to make, but I wish I’d done a couple things differently… since I’ll never make them again I’ll share the feedback so you crafters can incorporate it!  I should also mention that the cost of wood when I made this project was like 2/3 what it is now…

Age Blocks

What you’ll need:

  • 4″x4″x8″ piece of untreated lumber
  • 2 12″x12″ pieces of contact paper or removable vinyl
  • Paint
  • mod podge
  • Stain (optional)
  • stencil pattern here
  1. With chop saw cut 2 4″ long pieces of wood and 1 8″ piece of wood.
  2. Route all the ends of the cubes and column with roundover bits.
  3. Sand all faces.
  4. Apply stain (if desired).  This is where, if it did it again I might not stain…  the stain made the paint difficult to stick, and I decided not to finish the cubes, so the paint was prone to pulling off before it cured. Also if you want your child to be able to chew on the blocks, stain is not food safe…
  5. Cut out stencils on vinyl using Cricut.  Set your machine to the vinyl setting 
  6. Cut around each stencil, leaving a wide border.  Apply to the face of your block.
  7. Cover with mod podge and let dry.
  8. Paint over the mod podge.  
  9. Remove stencil.   Repeat for all faces.  The long block will be month, years, weeks, grade.  One cube should have 0,1,2,3,4,5 other cube should have 0,1,6,7,8,9).  





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Max’s Scepter

My big guy turned 4 this weekend!  We had a little celebration that you’ll hear about in upcoming posts.  He had a great time celebrating with his friends Mia and Caleb and his grandparents.  And his birthday presents were a total hit!  We got him a camera which he loved and a… vacuum.  Which he also loves.  He loves to try and help me vacuum now.  He used to take out his toy vacuum everytime I pulled out the big one, but now he wants to use the real vacuum and has gotten to the point that he won’t let me use it because “he can do it”.  I really appreciate the help but now he’s lugging this giant vacuum around while I cannot actually get the floors clean.  So I decided to just buy him a lightweight Dirt Devil.  It is perfect!  He can carry it all around, maneuver it easily and he is actually helping us clean!  It is a win-win!

Julius’ homemade Mama costume

Well, Julius insisted that he needed a scepter in order to be Max for Halloween, so about an hour before our photo shoot Julius and I threw together a scepter out of stuff around the house (and a lot of hot glue).  I think it came out pretty good, considering we only spent about 20 minutes on it and 0 dollars.  This lead Julius to come up with his own “craft” from the rest of the supplies.  He then asked Will to take a picture of him “with his homemade Mama costume”.  (I am not exactly sure what this says about me or Julius’ view of me, but I’m sure we will unpack that one in 20 years.)

Oh just one more story.  I have had to repair the scepter about 4 times now because, it is just held together with hot glue.  Every time I repair it I cannot find the glue gun.  Thinking I must be going crazy I finally asked Julius “do you know where the glue gun is”?  To which he got all excited and started scrambling around saying, “ummmm yup!”  He then ran off into the wood shop and pulled out the glue gun from one of the bottom drawers of my tool chest.  I literally never would have found it.  Yesterday I was missing my glue gun again (which I swore I had put away in my craft desk), so I looked in the bottom drawer of the tool chest again and there it was…

Max’s King of the Wild Things Scepter

What you’ll need:

  • 18″ of 1/2″ dowel
  • ping pong ball
  • a 4″ diameter circular take out food container with lid. (Or two 4″ diameter lids.)
  • black spray paint
  • yellow acrylic paint (or paint pen)
  • hot glue and glue gun
  1. Cut the outer rim off the take out container, leaving aa 1/2″ wide ring.  Cut the inside of the take out container lid out, so only the outside of the lid remains.  These will form the rings.
  2. Using a craft knift (or drill – which I did but was tricky because it shattered more than drilled) cut two holes in the top and bottom of the ball, just large enough to fit the dowel through.
  3. Insert dowel through holes in ping pong ball so there is 1.5″ from the top of the rod.  Hot glue in place.
  4. Cut through each of the two rings so they can open up into a “c” shape.
  5. Hot glue the portion of one ring opposite the slit to the top of the dowel.  Glue the two ends in place 1.5″ below the ping pong ball, where the ring hits naturally.
  6. Repeat step 5 for the other ring, gluing on top of the first ring but at a 90 degree angle from the first ring.
  7. Spray paint the entire thing black.  Let dry.
  8. Paint the ping pong ball yellow (I used an acrylic paint pen to do this quickly).
  9. Let the wild rumpus start!
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Well we had an excellent Halloween!  We got to hang out with our friends Ka and Joe and their kiddos who are the same ages as Julius and Patricia.  After an amazing dinner of homemade flatbread pizza we set out for some trick or treating in their cute neighborhood.

Forever blurry because she’s always in motion!

Stopping for a second before sprinting to the next stop.

Julius LOVED it.  It was adorable watching him excitedly run from house to house!  We had been practicing “trick or treat” all day and at the first house he sprinted up to the door, where an older gentlemen was sitting just inside the door ready to give out candy.  Julius ignored him and pressed the doorbell (step 1 in our practicing).  The older fellow chuckled and then offered Julius the candy bowl.  To which we asked, “did you say trick of treat?”  He then shouted “trick or treat!” and took a piece of candy.  We prompted again “what do you say?” “THANK YOU!”  The process continued like this for a while until he started getting to the hang of it.  At one point he ran up to a house and shouted “TRICK OR TREAT THANK YOU” immediately, I guess streamlining the process.  It brought me so much joy watching him have fun!

We had fun too!  Of course we all dressed up, and since Halloween temps are not like they were when I was a kid, we were all sweating.  Julius remarked at the end of the night, “oof I’m super sweaty!”  Guess that was all the exercise from running house to house!  I showed you Julius’ crown last week, so this week I’ll show you the rest!

Julius as Max – side view.

Max’s Wolf Suit (from Where the Wild Things Are)

What you’ll need:

  • White zip up footed onesie to fit your child
  • 4 1.25″ white buttons
  • 1/4 yard of black faux fur
  • Stuffing
  • Pattern for tail here
  1. Cut out two tail pieces as indicated on pattern, leaving 1/2″ seam allowance.
  2. Pin tail pieces, right sides together.
  3. Leave top of tail opened and stitch around the rest of the length of the tail.
  4. Turn right side out and stuff with stuffing until firm.
  5. Position tail over the seat of the pants, with the unfinished portion pointing down, tip of the tail pointing towards the hood. Stitch across the unfinished portion to attach it to the suit, let it flop over.
  6. Hand sew 4 buttons on one size of the zipper, spaced 3″ apart.  Be sure to avoid stitching the buttonholes near the teeth.

The night Max wore his wolf suit he made mischief of one kind…

…and another.

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King of All Wild Things

Well…. it’s been a busy couple weeks.  I have a new position at work so I’m busier than usual.  That means no time to do much blogging… I think last week was the first week in a couple years that I’ve missed.  I won’t let it happen again!

Despite my miss last week I have been working on Halloween costumes in the limited time I have off.   Below is a crown I made last weekend for Julius.  We are all going as Wild Things from the book “Where the Wild Things Are” and Julius is Max, the king of all wild things.  He was so excited by his costume that he wanted to wear it as soon as I finished it.  I had to convince him not to wear it (for fear of getting it completely wrecked) before we took pictures in it (yesterday).  After pictures he wanted to keep the costume on.  This afternoon he came downstairs to bring me dinner and he was again wearing the wolf suit.  I would say this is a successful Halloween costume so far!

Check out this sweet crown!

Max’s King of the Wild Things Crown

What you’ll need:

  • Pelton peltex interfacing
  • Gold synthetic fabric
  • 3″ x 22″ of Brown fake fur
  • 2″ wide Velcro hook & loop
  • Pattern here
  1. Using my pattern, cut 1 piece of interfacing with no seam allowance and 2 pieces of gold fabric with 1/2″ seam allowance on the top 3 sides.
  2. Stitch gold fabric, right sides together along top and sides leaving the bottom opened.
  3. Trim selvedge and points.
  4. Turn gold fabric right side out.
  5. Insert interfacing into inside of gold fabric and baste along the unfinished edge.
  6. Cut a 2″x24″ rectangle of fur.
  7. Pin fur, against bottom of gold fabric crown right sides together, lining up unfinished edges.  Stitch 1/2″ from the edge along the bottom of the crown.
  8. Fold fur around the bottom edge of the crown, and fold under 1/2″.  Stitch in the ditch on the front of the crown (along the stitching in step 7) to secure the fur band. 
  9. Stitch a hook end of velcro to the outer outside edge of the crown.
  10. Stitch a loop end of velcro to the inner outside edge of the crown.

Adjustable velcro means it can fit a variety of head sizes.

So excited to wear his costume.

My two wild things.

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Pandemic Peeps

Well I have about 3 hours left of free time before I go into crazy work mode for my job for the next month.  I’m trying to get our Halloween costumes as done as possible before then, so this is going to be a short post.  This is kind of a silly post.  My co-worker, Roger, mysteriously started getting stale peeps delivered to his cubicle months after Easter for no apparent reason.  Others interpreted this as a love of peeps and over the next couple years more peeps were added to the collection.  Soon Roger had a stack of peeps on his desk 3 feet high.

As you know, for his sabbatical, someone made his cubicle into a giant box of peeps.  That was 5 years ago and over the next couple years a strange holiday or colored box of peeps was known to show up on his desk.  Then the pandemic hit and Roger and his (now extremely stale) peeps have been parted for far too long.  Someone decided this might be the time to remedy this and bought some peeps for Easter.  The peeps purchased at Easter were horrifying.  The quality control in 2021 was pretty bad, and of the peeps I was even able to find, all 3 batches had really strange eyes.  Like cyclops.  Not quite as bad as the conversation hearts, but still off-putting.

The contents of my box of 2021 Conversation Hearts. I’m not sure what type of conversation you’d be having with these, but it might involve a seizure.

These guys are like the flounders of the peeps world

These guys are just straight up cyclops.

I was not discouraged though.  I gracefully aged the peeps the prescribed 6 months necessary for ultimate inedibility.  By that point Julius had opened and sneakily tasted one of the peeps in one of the packages.  This was the package of peeps with the worse quality control so no concern there!  By September it was finally time to put my plan into action.  I had made a batch of royal icing (for cookie decorating) so I piped tiny masks onto a piece of parchment paper and let them harden for 24 hours.   Then I used a bit more royal icing to glue them to the peeps beaks.  Here is where the real genius came in – I couldn’t figure out how to get the little mask strings to stay on the peeps, and Amy suggested white chocolate!  I heated up some white chocolate in the microwave and piped on a pinprick sized set of mask elastics.  I then used my food sealer to seal the package back up.

Piped some masks

The genius white frosting mask strings.

Then, because I still haven’t had time to get to the USPS, they have been sitting on our counter for 2 weeks.  Sometime during that period the masks have gotten a smidge crushed.  Honestly it’s a miracle Julius hasn’t eaten them yet.  Hopefully Roger will still enjoy them, or at least be very confused when he opens them.



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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

We are making PROGRESS!  Will and I have cleaned out about a third of our garage.  Wait, I didn’t tell you this story?!  So… after the Tesla roof and power walls were installed, we got a call saying that the laws on power storage in MA changed (that day) and that in order to pass inspection we’d have to have our entire garage dry walled. What.  This meant we’d have to take down all the shelves, hanging stuff and the climbing wall so they could finish the entire thing.  Gah.   On top of this, we’d moved our entire basement upstairs into the garage so the basement contractors could start on that.  If you can imagine our garage is/was completely full of junk so we haven’t been able to put cars in the garage for the last 6 months…

Motivating yourself to move things is difficult.   It was getting so discouraging looking at the intricate puzzle of stuff that we’d created in the garage.  But this weekend I took a big step – I re-put up the climbing wall!  This was no easy task (sadly).  The climbing wall holds have 1.5″ bolts that protrude from the back of the plywood.  This was no problem for the unfinished wall where I just strategically placed them between the studs.  With dry wall though… I needed to do something else.  I decided to remove all the climbing holds (48 bolts), mount the board, mark holes for the bolts, unmount the board, drill holes for the bolts, remount the board, reattach the climbing holds.  It took forever.  But Julius used it immediately the next morning so I consider it a complete win!

I don’t know if you noticed but it is FALL!  My favorite season of all!  And even better it is October!  My favorite month of all!  We decided to bike ride to apple picking/pumpkin picking with the kiddos this weekend and it was awesome!  We got 6 different pumpkins/gourds and I would have gotten more if we could have fit them on the bikes.  (Honestly it was pretty dicey getting these home as it was.)

Okay maybe I did go a bit overboard with the pumpkins.

I wanted to share the instructions for a virtual cookie decorating party!  We did this as part of Danycon, but it would be fun to do as a stand alone event.

Virtual Cookie Decorating Party

What you’ll need (for 5 people):

Let sugar cookies cool completely. When cool, stack 2 cookies on top of each other, place in a food sealing bag and vacuum seal.  I gave 3 cookies per person to decorate, but 6 per person is probably a better number.

After your icing is setup, divide into 3 equal batches.  Leave one portion white, and color the others two portions with colors of your choice using a couple drops of gel food coloring.  I chose blue and green for earth/sky/water colors.

Using 1/3 c measuring cup, measure 1/3 cup of icing into each pastry bag.  I find it best to open the pastry bag inside a drinking glass, and fold the top of the bag down around the outside of the glass so the inside of the bag is ready for you to pour icing into!

Remove the air from each bag and then tie the bags shut.

Vacuum seal one bag of each color inside one vacuum bag.

Gently wrap the cookies in recycled paper or recycled bubble wrap to package them for shipping.  Place the royal icing on the bottom, followed by the cookies.  I also included a small ziplock bag with extra piping bags and toothpicks.

Before your cookie decorating session you’ll need to knead (see what I did there?) the royal icing in the bags because it may have separated.  (Some of our bags also leaked a bit, so it was good to have the bags vacuum sealed.)

To take out the cookies, you can gently break the seal to let air in, then remove the cookies from the bag and very gently pry apart.  I broke a couple of mine because I was impatient.

Then you can give this video a watch and learn a couple super simple techniques for decorating your cookies!  After decorating, you’ll need to wait for the cookies to dry for maximum deliciousness!  I recommend a day!

Look at that skill.

Will seems happy about the decorating.

Here are some finished cookies!

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Virtual Danycon 2021

This past weekend was Danycon!  It’s the event we wait all year to celebrate!  Because the kiddos aren’t vaccinated and plane flights are scary, we opted to do virtual again.  I’m not going to lie, virtual events are getting me down.  I’ve had a taste of freedom, and now I want to go back to the before times!  I am hopeful the kiddos will be able to get vaccinated soon.


All that aside, it was a fun weekend!  We decided to theme this year’s Danycon around Studio Ghibli/Japan!  Because many Miyazaki movies involve air or water, we used blues and turquoises for the color theme.  We had several organized events to incorporate the theme, and then the rest of the time was free-play.  We thought this would work best considering virtual events involve different time zones.  Like last year we used mostly discord, but this year we also had a couple events over zoom.  We played everything on Board Game Arena, who has really beefed up their collection since last year!  The entire schedule is printed below (and was sent out virtually before the event so people could plan).  We also included a list of every thematic board game available on BGA (there are quite a few)!  This meant either themed around Japan or designed by a Japanese designer.

Danycon 2021 Discord


No Danycon would be complete without swag (or as our siblings have started calling them during the pandemic “care packages”) and this year was no different.  We wanted to make the swag this year a little taste of Japan (some place I can only dream about and hope to visit someday).  The swag boxes were filled with Pocky, Konpeito (the Japanese sugar candy that soot sprites eat!), vegetarian ramen (from Mike’s Might Good Ramen, so definitely not Japanese…), tiny felted chibi totoros, reusable travel utensil sets (with chop sticks – I think Miyazaki would approve), bags of “rolling Danycon” (inspired by the Okazu roll and write), copies of Sushi Go, a Studio Ghibli themed puzzled pint that Mark and Erin created, supplies for cookie decorating and of course Danycon shirts.  In retrospect I might have gone a wee bit overboard this year…

Swag opening!

Swag bag packing prep

One box ready to ship out

Totoros saying their farewells



We can’t have a Danycon without Bingo.  Will started with the version we came up with for Danycon and Friends and modified it.  The most difficult items were ending up in a tie game.

Puzzled Pint

Erin and Mark made us a super fun “Puzzled Pint” that was Studio Ghibli themed!  We all had fun with the great puzzles they came up with for us.  If you want to try it yourself… you can head on over to the official Puzzle Pint website where it is posted!

Puzzled Pint!

Cookie Decorating

I wanted to do an interactive craft since the felting was such a hit.  I decided on cookie decorating – which I’ve wanted to host for a while!  I’ll have more details about that on an upcoming post.

Cookie decorating!


Will and I had fun creating another D&D adventure on our drive from Texas to Nashville.  We based it loosely on Howl’s moving castle (the first Studio Ghibli movie I ever saw), where there are two factions fighting a meaningless war over a prince (that you find out was turned into a scarecrow).   We split into two groups again and Will & I each DM’d one of the two warring factions.  At the end the warring factions meet and Will and I finished the adventure DMing the final puzzle together.  The twist this time was that all the characters were monsters masquerading as monster hunters.  They each had to hide their secrets from the others until the end when they had to discover each person’s secret.  It got silly really fast, when my team discovered Mandy was a vampire and decided to tie her up, to very little protest from her one unconcious and one concious teammate.  I had a great time DMing the adventure, and I hope everyone had just as much fun playing!  If you’d like to try to DM it yourself, the scenario is here.

Group Dinner

Part of the fun of live and in person Danycon is spending time eating and hanging out with everyone.  We decided to mimic this by sending everyone a meal they could prepare (Fancy Ramen) and eating together over zoom.  Because of the time differences we scheduled it to start at 7:30 ET.  I thought this part was very fun and added some nice face time in between our voice calls.

Ramen for dinner!



We thought we were going to have a full (virtual) house this year so rather than spending all our time in a tournament we decided to do a party game tournament!  We ended up having only 8 people so we decided on just the following games:

  • Hugo (this game was extremely silly and had us all laughing)
  • Rolling Danycon (each person pulled and rolled 6 dice from their copy for the group, and then we rotated)
  • Haiclue (this is a fun online party game that we discovered at virtual Danycon & Friends thanks to our friend Joe Huber)

We noted each person’s place in each game, added up the rankings for each person, and the lowest score won.  This year my brother won!!  AND he won Bingo!  We declared him the winner of Danycon!

Serious tournament faces


Another Danycon requirement is not playing nearly as many games as Will desires to play over the course of the weekend and I’m sure we checked that box this year!  We did play lots of new games on BGA since they had so many new options!  I think my favorite new game was called “Abandon All Artichokes” which was a cute mini-deck builder.  It reminded me of Sushi Go in that is a quick, simple (adorable) game that mimics a game mechanic I enjoy.

Virtual Danycon setup – note the Danycon Bingo, Konpeito and King of Tokyo.


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Well last week was tiring.  Julius was sick and then Patricia was sick.  Patricia beat Julius’ record of 3 days at daycare before getting sick, with only 2 days at daycare before getting sick!  I guess that’s something.  Probably not the thing we want, but still some thing.  That being said, I cannot tell you how much I love baby snuggles!  I am quite sad that I can’t walk upstairs on my lunch break and get my baby snuggles in.  Seriously, what is the point of working from home if you can’t snuggle babies?!  If you figure it out, let me know.

Patricia is SO CLOSE to walking.  She frequently will take several steps, but then resorts back to crawling.  She is so fast while crawling that I really can’t blame her.  Frequently I’ll turn my back for 10 seconds and she’ll have traveled from my side at the kitchen sink to the front hall and halfway up the front stairs.  At that point I shriek and sprint to the front hall.  Luckily it is obvious when she’s going up the stairs because she’ll giggle (which for Patricia is this ridiculous raspy laugh) and slap each stair as she goes up.  She wants me to chase her… What a wild thing.

My two wild things

Julius is enjoying his preschool.  He was very excited to go to preschool today and ran around the house jumping up and down when I told him today was preschool day.  I don’t think he was that excited for King Richard’s Faire the day before.  Actually I’m positive he wasn’t that excited.  The school is divided into two classes so he has two main teachers, Miss Megan and Miss Nicole.  He is working on learning their names (and all the names of the kids he plays with).  The first day he told us he had a teacher named Miss Negan.  We asked him if he meant “Miss Megan” and he emphatically said “no her name is Miss Negan” and that he couldn’t remember his other teacher’s name.  The next day he came home, excited, and announced he remembered both his teachers’ names. He told us one of his teachers was “Miss Megan” to which Will and I exchanged an impressed look, and that his other teacher’s name was “Miss Micole”.

I have been so busy with work, and Will has been doing Daddy daycare for the last several months so I’ve completely fallen off my cooking game.  You’d think that not having to commute would leave more time for me to make dinner and snuggle babies.  Alas, it really just means that now no one ever leaves their meetings to go home, so the “work day” is just forever, until you pass out or until your children start trying to eat the legs of your chairs, whichever comes first.  At least we have children to tear us away from work.  Imagine if you lived alone and just had to wait until you passed out from exhaustion every night?!

I’m trying to ease my way back into cooking, by seriously cutting corners.  This recipe is an adapted version of my grandma’s recipe – a family favorite.  Her version has measurements like “until it tastes right” and involves a lot more slicing.  The texture is slightly different, and my grandma usually serves her version at room temperature.  This version is lazy, so it requires no extra chopping or waiting for things to cool, but is still addictively delicious. (My grandma might be slightly offended that I call this recipe hers since it is technically her mother in law’s, which means the recipe is Bavarian, while she is from Thuringia which has an entirely different style of potato salad. After making it for 60 years though I think we can safely call it hers.)

Basically Grandma Kohm’s German Potato Salad (adapted by lazy grandchild #3)

  • 6 medium potatoes (Yukon gold are the best)
  • 1/4 cup minced red onion (my grandma used to use regular yellow onions, but the red onion gives a bit of color)
  • 1/2 tsp celery seed
  • 5 Tbsp vegetable broth (grandma used water or chicken broth)
  • 2 Tbsp vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  1. Peel the potatoes, but don’t bother cutting out any eyes, you can do that later.  (Actually, to be honest, Grandma used to boil them with the skin on and peel the skin later, but that means you have to wait for them to cool, and I’m lazy.)
  2. Place the whole peeled potatoes in a large pot and cover with an inch of water.  Add a few dashes of salt and pepper to the water, then crank the heat to high and bring to a boil.  Lower the heat to medium and simmer potatoes for 25 minutes or so (until soft).
  3. While the potatoes are cooking, finely mince your red onion and place in the bowl you plan to serve your potatoes in.  Sprinkle the red onion with salt, pepper and celery seed and let sit.
  4. The potatoes are done cooking when you can pierce them with a fork.  Remove from heat and pour off the water.
  5. Remove any eyes, then move the potatoes to the serving bowl and rough mash (Julius likes to do this part).  Don’t mash them too well, you want some texture here.
  6. Pour broth, oil and vinegar over the potato/onion mixture and mix well.
  7. Correct for salt and pepper and serve warm.

Our vegetarian “German” meal – these sausage taste nothing like bratwurst but they are tasty.

Posted in Culinary Delights | 2 Comments

Wild Thing

Well today was my Patricia’s first day of daycare!  I was a nervous wreck the last few nights, and I haven’t slept thinking about people who may or may not be vaccinated taking care of my baby during the pandemic.  If you’ll remember for Julius’ first daycare drop off I had no prior nightmares or anything, but I did burst out crying.  When we actually got to the daycare center I managed to hold it together and didn’t interrogate the staff or break down crying and take her back home with me.  I will admit I did cry a little bit on the way, explaining to her that she was going to get to play with some babies.

Poor thing had a bit of a rough day.  She ate all her beans and corn (read: an entire ear of corn off the cob, and an entire can of beans) for lunch, but she only napped a single nap of 45 minutes, and took only one 7 oz bottle.  I hope the little lady does better tomorrow.

Poor Patricia being the second baby has a lot less attention doted on her.  The first couple weeks she was born we used to joke that she would get super excited when you’d look at her because no one ever paid any attention to the little lady.  Well the little lady took matters into her own hands and crawled at 7 months, meaning we HAD to pay attention to her!  She has such a silly personality too.  She’s curious and FAST.  You’ll turn around for 15 seconds and she’ll be on the other side of the room trying to jump off the side of the couch.  I call her my wild thing.  She loves baths, and snuggles.  And she especially loves her brother!  Yesterday Julius had a fever so we kept Patricia and Julius separate just in case.  Patricia cried every time she saw Julius and was taken away from him.  Julius cried when he heard Patricia crying.

The funniest thing Patricia does now is blows fart noises on your arm.  Every night while I’m getting her ready for bed I’ll blow on her belly, and she retaliates and blows farts on my arm.  And she looks at me afterwards and laughs because she knows she’s hilarious.  It is my current favorite thing.  She also GROWLS.  Like a full on growl.  It’s not just when she’s mad, she’ll just be sitting there and will growl at her toys.  It is very startling and hilarious.  Will thinks she’s part bear and Julius thinks she’s part tiger.  I just think she’s 100% adorable.

So today’s pattern is a slight modification of a previous pattern that I’ve made a dozen times by now.  It’s a portable utensil holder.  We take these with us everywhere to prevent having to use plastic utensils.  Well that was before the pandemic.  Now that we’ve gotten a bit braver, we have been using them all the time again.  We take them on road trips and on picnics and we bring them with us to Davis Farmland.  I’ve found now, more than the before times, people are really trying to push the plastic utensils on you when you purchase a meal.  Unfortunately our portable utensil kits lacked a couple of additions.  Julius, when he was slightly younger, always wanted a straw for his drinks.  Mandy got us some neat reusable straws from her company that are GREAT for kids!  Unfortunately they never fit in our little portable kits, so they stick out the side.  We also thought that sometimes it is nice to have chop sticks in your kit.  You know, for when you do ramen or sushi to go… :D

Upgraded Reusable Utensil Holder

What you’ll need:

  • Heavyweight scrap fabric such as denim, upholstery weight velvet, canvas etc.
  • Lightweight scrap fabric to be used as contrast/lining
  • Single fold bias tape .5″ wide
  • Size 16 dritz snap
  • Pattern here
  1. Cut out pattern pieces as directed.
  2. Pin lining fabric to outer fabric for both pieces.
  3. Along the flat surface of the pocket fabric, open out the bias tape and place along the unfinished edge, outer fabric to right side of bias tape, pining along the bias tape fold line.  Stitch along the fold line. 
  4. Fold bias tape over unfinished edge, pin in place and stitch close to the first set of stitching, enclosing the entire edge.
  5. Lay pocket on top of backing, with lining material on the inside.  (Match the marks on the backing with the top of the pocket.)
  6. Open out bias tape as you did in step 3 with the fold 1/2″ from the edge, with unfinished edges parallel to one another.  Fold over the starting edge of the bias tape so the seam looks finished.  Pin all around the perimeter in this fashion, overlapping the start of the tape by half an inch.
  7. Stitch.
  8. Trim the seam to 1/8″.
  9. Fold the bias tape over the unfinished edge, pin in place and stitch close to the first set of stitching, enclosing the entire edge.
  10. Insert utensils into pouch and fold flap down over them so it holds utensils in snuggly.  Mark location for snap.
  11. Insert snap following manufacturer’s instructions  with the male end on the pocket and female end on the back of the flap so it will snap together when the flap is closed.
  12. Toss in your lunch bag and save the planet!


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