Tip the Scales

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving for those in the US!  I am thankful for every one of my readers!  Your positive energy brightens my day!  Thanksgiving was early this year!  Or rather, as I said to Will, it wasn’t early it is always the 4th Thursday in November!  But Will pointed out November has 5 Thursdays this year so it is early!  That has thrown me off!  It doesn’t feel like the winter season.  Despite that we got our tree this past Sunday.  So we have a Christmas tree inside and pumpkins outside.  I’m not ready to let go of fall yet…

Alas, the kids are already on to the next holiday.  Patricia asked me this morning (she was home sick) if it was Christmas.  I told her it was not yet Christmas, but it was the next holiday coming up.  She then said “oh yeah, so it is Christmas”.  Which, sure, I guess it’s Christmas season.  Whatever floats their boat.  Julius made a Christmas list that is 6 pieces of paper stapled vertically that he pasted toys onto that he cut out from magazines.  6 sheets of paper. That means it’s 66 inches long, taller than me.  We need to work on minimalism.

I think Santa will be favorable towards my children though.  For the most part they are sweet to each other and to others.  Patricia is constantly asking Julius to be part of her pretend games.  The pretend games are almost always “parent and child” where one of them is the mom or dad and the other is the kiddo.  Julius sometimes gets annoyed with this game, but more often than you’d think has fun playing with her.  This past weekend I called Patricia downstairs for something, and Julius objected saying “But we were playing mommies, who am I going to play with now?”  Then the next day there was this interaction:

Patricia: Julius do you want to be the kid and I’ll be the mom?

Julius: no.

Patricia: Do you want to be the dad and I’ll be the kid?

Julius: no.

Patricia: What do you want to be?

Julius: I don’t want to be anything.

Patricia followed him around for another few minutes thinking of variants of the game that he might like to play with her, convinced that she must have heard him wrong.

Despite Halloween being over and fall coming to a close it’s never the wrong time to become a mermaid.  So I would love to give you some cricut patterns I made for face painting and how to apply them!

Mermaid Face painting Stencils

What you’ll need:

  1. Load cricut pattern and then follow instructions to cut out “mylar” material.
  2. Gently remove from mat.
  3. Cut around the area, leaving a 3/4″ border all around.
  4. Repeat for other shapes

To Adorn Mermaid Scales

What you’ll need:

  • facepaint & sponge (I used Snazaroo face paint which was on sale and Michaels and was sensitive skin friendly)
  • Stencils above
  1. Choose side of the face you want to adorn.  Get the sponge wet and then ring it out so it is damp.  Swirl in the white paint until the sponge is covered.  Pat white all around the area you plan to adorn (in this case it was the side of the face).  Rinse sponge and ring out again so it’s damp.
  2. Take your scale stencil (either small for side of the face, or large for forehead area) and position over the white paint.
  3. Swirl sponge in light color paint (I used light green).  Pat the light colored paint all over the stencil directly on top of the white paint.
  4. Swirl sponge in darker color paint (we did purple, pink or blue) and apply on top of the light colored paint in strategic areas.  I did more of this color in the center and left the green color around the edges.

    Applying scale stencil.

  5. Remove stencil.
  6. Rinse and ring out sponge so it is damp again.  Swirl sponge in white paint.
  7. Place seashell or starfish stencil in desired location (I did mine on the lower part of the cheek at the bottom of where the scales end).
  8. Pat white paint onto stencil, remove stencil.

    Applying starfish stencil

  9. Wash all stencils to be reused.

Finished facepaint.

By the end of the day Julius had his whole face painted.






Posted in Crafts & Sewing | 3 Comments


This past weekend we wrote out thank you cards for some presents Julius and Patricia got for their birthdays.  I told Julius we were going to write thank you cards and he immediately started writing.  I was slightly concerned.  We had a conversation that went something like this:

Lexi: Wait, Julius, you don’t even know who you are writing your thank you note to!

Julius: I am writing it to Kylie.

Lexi: But you don’t know what she got you.

Julius: Yes I do!  She got me a shark book and a squishmallow.

That’s about when I left him to it!  He has such an incredible memory…

So I’m going to talk about Patricia’s party this week, but first, one quick adorable story about Patricia.  Patricia’s party was the day after her actual birthday.  So for her real birthday I bought a tiny cake.  We didn’t do anything super exciting for her actual birthday, but we did have her blow out candles on the cake after dinner.  Immediately after she blew out the candles she was super confused.  She looked up at me with uncertainty and said, “nobody came to my birthday party!”  My heart broke!  Luckily she cheered right up when we told her the party was tomorrow…

Patricia’s Mermaid Party


Obviously the theme was mermaids.  She originally had said she wanted an “octopus party” but later confessed she would rather have a mermaid party.  That’s fine!  Who doesn’t love a mermaid party?  You may remember I threw her a mermaid party for her first birthday as well.  And we were mermaids for Halloween… so who doesn’t want to be a mermaid in this family!?


From Julius’ party happenings, I was worried about having enough activities since at Julius’s party the time it took to do activities varied wildly.  We had a similar situation happen this time, but we sort of let the kids do whatever they wanted since the little kiddos were being attended by parents.

Mermaid Crowns

We put out mermaid crowns on our coffee table and a little craft table in the living room and I put a variety of ocean themed stickers around the tables to add to the crown.  Kids spent a varied amount of time on the crowns, but most of them spent quite a while putting stickers on.

Making Mermaid crowns!

Julius showing off his mermaid crown and necklace

Shell Necklaces

I put necklace kits in a little treasure chest that I’d hidden in plain sight on the coffee table.  As kids started getting bored with the stickers I encouraged them to pick a necklace and work on it.  To make the kits I drilled large holes in assorted shells my mom had given us, and then put a shell in a bag with matching pony beads and a string that I’d tied one end of a break away clasp on.  The kids strung the beads in any way they desired and then a parent helped them tie the other half of the break away clasp on.  The beads and shells had large enough holes that made it easy for little hands to thread.

Making shell necklaces! (We gave the kids plates to hold the beads)

Mermaid Face Painting

While the children were working on their necklaces and crowns I painted faces using a hypoallergenic face paint kit I picked up after Halloween for half price and some stencils I made with the cricut.  I also did my own face paint because, let’s be honest, I am also a mermaid.  Surprisingly no other parents took me up on the offer to paint their face.

Mermaid painting

It tickled!

Finished product!

Bounce Castle

If those activities weren’t enough of a time killer I then invited the kids to bounce in a bouncy house we had set up in the garage.  (We got this bounce house from some friends of ours and it is amazing, we use it all the time!)


Mermaid Lantern

We actually ate lunch after the bounce castle, but after lunch we made some Mermaid Lanterns (or night lights).  Julius has been using his as a night light ever since, but Patricia was less inclined.  This was more sticker-ing which is a win for 3 year olds.

One lantern setup

Working on lanterns

Showing off their lanterns

Under the Sea Room

After everyone finished their lanterns I invited the children to explore the under the sea room, which was filled with jelly fish (from recycled wrappers), balloon fish, and an octopus guarding some treasure.  The kids right away saw the octopus guarding the goody bags, so we rescued the bags and they opened them up to find mermaid blanket tails I’d made.

Under the sea setup

Octopus guarding the goody bags

Mermaid Story Telling

The idea at this point was when the kids had their blankets we could sit and read a couple mermaid themed stories.  I took a few books out of the library (recommended by mermaid forums!)  The kids were great listeners, even though I was a bit blind in the dark room and stumbled over some of the words.

Mermaid story time.

Kids listening attentively!


For lunch Patricia also asked for mac and cheese.  I made only 1 crock pot full this time, and used shells instead of elbows (to be on theme).  We also made octopus hot dogs (Ka actually boiled them all for me!  Thanks Ka!) and pimento cheese and chicken salad croissant sandwiches with little eyes to look like crabs. For vegetables we had a salad, and carrots and celery sticks.  Oh and I can’t forget goldfish crackers of course!  Since I made everything except the hot dogs before the party it was pretty easy.  We threw the hot dogs in while the kids were bouncing.  Mercifully, more adults ate at this party vs. the last one.

Yum! Lunch is served.

Under the sea lunch!

Crab (free) sandwiches

Octopus hot dogs (fun fact: some of the adults were concerned when I had a label that just read “octopus”)


For dessert I made mermaid cupcakes.  They were vanilla tie dye cupcakes using this recipe with the same American buttercream recipe I used for Julius’ party.  (Side note: I’ve got to find a fluffier vanilla cupcake recipe.  Even when I weighed the flour this time they were super dense.  Great for a layer cake, not great for cupcakes.)  I made the tails for the cakes out of those white chocolate candy melts and I think they came out so cute!  Patricia was very excited/nervous listening to all these people sing Happy Birthday to her.  She was far happier than the previous day when “no one came” to her party.

Shy birthday girl being sung to.










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All Aboard!

Well, there go two more birthdays under my belt!  Now I’m in the lull before the holiday storm.  I can’t believe my little guys are 3 and 6!  Where has the time gone?!  People have suggested I throw parties out of my house to make it easier on myself, but throwing theme parties brings me such joy!  If Julius or Patricia ever wants to invite their entire class (more on that later) or requests a special location like Davis Farmland for their party I will be happy to oblige!  But I selfishly love planning parties.  And I suspect I don’t have too many more years of at home birthdays left to plan before they ask for big kid birthday parties.

To kick off the birthday marathon, I’ll tell you all about Julius’ party.  Julius is in Kindergarten and has made some new friends in school.  He gave me a list of kids he wanted to invite to his party which was a mix of friends he met in preschool and friends he met in kindergarten.  Total he invited 10 kids, which to me was a lot of children.  The school district this year decided for liability reasons (or something) they couldn’t give out parent/guardian emails to other parents.  I was really thrown for a loop on how to connect with the parents.  I ended up going on social media and found several parents that way!  Unfortunately, there were 3 kiddos Julius asked me to invite who I couldn’t find on social media.  As you know, I do evites, so I really needed just emails.  Since we couldn’t feasibly invite the whole class (he has 20 children in his class, that is the same number of people who came to the party, including parents) I addressed envelopes to “the parents/guardians of so&so”.  I filled them with my contact information and a vague note saying I’d love to exchange emails.  I stuck them in Julius’ backpack (actually Julius stuck them in the front pocket, a pocket he never uses because it was “his special letter pocket”) and told them to try to sneak them into his friends’ backpacks.  He assured me he was up to the task and would put them in his friends’ take home folders.  Will and I had a bet going if the envelopes would reach the parents, and how far after Julius’ birthday, but just after 3pm that day (before Julius was even home from school) I received emails from all 3 parents!  He did it!  I was so proud!

Quick tangent… I found out recently that Julius got a teensy bit of help from his teacher to be sneaky about getting the envelopes into the folders, for which we are grateful.  I feel bad that we cannot fit the entire class/boy scout troop/gymnastics class/former preschool friends in our house!  As a child I was always anxious of hurting someone’s feelings by not inviting them to my party.  Julius on the other hand was very adamant about who he wanted to invite.  There were names I’d heard him mention that he insisted he “didn’t have room to invite”.  I was hesitant to push the issue.  Apparently in the past the school has said if you send invites in school, you have to invite the whole class.  I didn’t even want to send in notes to parents for that exact concern, but at the same time I cannot even imagine inviting an entire classroom to a party!  20 kids sounds like absolute chaos!

Speaking of chaos…. on to Julius’s party.  Julius originally wanted a shark theme (of course) but as the date approached he changed the request to a train party!  I realllllllllllly wanted to build some sort of train attachment to a ride-on lawnmower, but figured some parents might not be cool with that… Plus I got rid of the ride-on a couple years ago when we switched to Moe+lawn service, so I would have had to borrow one.  Instead we decided to do a silly train adventure.

Julius’ Train Party


Clearly the theme was trains.  I made a bunch of black and white signs that we taped around the house above the doorways.  The signs read Southbound Trains, Northbound Trains, Luggage Room, Souvenir Shop, Dining Car etc… On the foyer floor Amy (who was visiting from out of town) and Will put down black masking tape “tracks”.  To complete the theme Will and I wore conductor outfits (consisting of some last minute hats I made and clothing from our closets), and Amy (unprompted!) wore an engineer costume!


The activities for this party were tricky!  Some kids spent 20 seconds on each activity, some kids spent 20 minutes!  Next time I will have to plan a bit better for that.  I tried to have some little silly activities in between the main activities so kids weren’t bored, but even so some kids weren’t terribly interested in the activities.  I’ve give you the order we did the activities and a summary below.

Luggage Claim!

Luggage Claim

As each child entered I pointed them to the Luggage Room.  I’d used those paper bags I’d been collecting from Hannaford’s order pick-up to make paper suitcases!  They were actually pretty easy to assemble after I got a bit of an assembly line going.  The suitcases contained a red scarf and engineer’s cap… classic train attire as well as more stickers to decorate their suitcase.  (Julius asked me just before the party “where his costume was” and I told him to just wait for a few minutes.)

He’s ready to get on (Or drive??) the train!

Train Depot

Towards Northbound Trains I had set up a paint table with wooden Brio-like trains I’d gotten at Hobby Lobby.  They were so cute and inexpensive (I got them for half price)!  This is the activity that some children spent a large period of time on and others spent almost no time.

Setup for train painting

Kids decorating their trains

Souvenir Shop

For those who finished early I sent them inside to write out Souvenir postcards to their friends and family.  I put out real stamps and postcards and cut a recycled USPS mail box to use as a mail drop slot.  Many children wrote cards to their family which I mailed after the party.  Others wrote cards to Julius which he loved reading afterwards.  It was a win!  Some kids finished this activity quickly too and I suggested they decorate their luggage or just play with the toys in the room while we waited for others to finish.  In retrospect this might have been a good time to start kids on lunch, I’m not sure.

Post card setup

Kids writing out postcards

The Great Train Mystery

After all the kids were done painting and washing their hands I blew my conductor’s whistle and had them line up to head down to the Southbound Trains (in the basement).  I had built a large cardboard train out of huge boxes I’d collected, plus some I’d gotten from neighbors off the local Buy Nothing group.  Julius and Patricia had seen me building the train (it was impossible to hide from them) and they were so excited about it.  They played in it every day after they found it, and I had to caution them not to break it before the party.  During the party some of the kids were pretty rough with the train (read: jumping on top of the cardboard roof) which I think made Julius feel a bit bad.  Luckily the train was no worse for wear!  It survived and still looks great!

While playing in the train one of the kids found a note!  Julius (being a pro reader) read the note aloud which was a clue!  Will put sticky notes with a magnifying glass in various locations around the house, and the kids had fun going from room to room to find the missing package.  It turned out the package was left in the luggage room all along!  And it contained train whistles!  (I apologized profusely to the parents and said I wouldn’t judge if they got left behind.)  The train whistles are the coolest ones I’ve seen and sound just like real train horns!  The kids seemed pretty happy with the adventure.

Kids in the train!

Will leading the train adventure

Opening the missing luggage!

The prizes!

Brio Trains

After lunch we suggested the kids head to the “Northbound Trains” which was in the mancave (the room over the garage).  Up there Will had set up almost all the Brio train tracks in a crazy setup utilizing as many pieces as he could.  It was a masterpiece!  The point was to encourage kids to use their painted trains on the track, but mostly the kids used the trains we already had up there.  Some of the kids would have spent the rest of the time up there, but many others took one look and bolted!  Ha!  What an adventure.

The epic track Will set up!


For food Julius wanted smoked gouda mac and cheese.  I was fretting about this.  Mac and cheese does not hold well.  It needs to be served immediately for the best texture!  I experimented with it on Halloween and cooked the pasta 2 min less than usual and simmered the sauce for just until thickened slightly,  then mixed it up and dumped it in a crock pot on the “warm” setting for an hour, stirring every 20 minutes.  It was acceptable after an hour.  Not great, but not completely separated either.  So I decided to go with it.

Since I didn’t feel like making another entrée I decided a mac and cheese bar could work for an adult lunch as well.  In addition to the mac and cheese I also had sautéed onions, sautéed peppers, brussel sprouts, broccoli and pulled pork as toppings.  The mac and cheese bar toppings I sautéed/roasted in advance (except for the pulled pork which I purchased) and then held in the oven on “warm” for serving.  Sides were bread with fancy butter and a garden salad.  Almost no adults ate anything!  I was horrified.  Maybe it was all the carbs, but we had 24 guests and only 3/4 of a crock pot of mac and cheese was eaten (I had 2 crock pots full) and not even an entire head of red leaf lettuce was finished (I had prepped 3 heads).  Most of the bread did go though!  So that was something…

The mac and cheese bar lunch setup!

Kiddos in “the dining car”


For dessert I made chocolate cupcakes.  These I made the week before and then put in stasher bags in the freezer after they cooled.  I used this recipe for the cupcakes and it was phenomenal (I omitted the coffee because I didn’t have it).  I’ll make this recipe every time from now on.  To frost them I took them out of the freezer and out of the freezer bags (don’t believe what they say about this) the day before the party and put them in giant tupperware containers to thaw.  As the cupcakes thawed I made a bunch of tiny trains and train cars out of packaged cookies and candies from the store.  Then I made this American Buttercream frosting (I did ABC this time instead of my favorite Italian Meringue buttercream because it colors better – as another bonus it’s also ridiculously easy to make).  By some birthday miracle every single kid got the cupcake they wanted (either a locomotive or a train car).

Overall I would say the kids looked like they had a good time!  Julius had a great party with his friends and I can’t wait to plan the next one!


Posted in Culinary Delights, Parties | 6 Comments

See Ya Suckers

Well you probably have been wondering where I was last week!  Or maybe you didn’t even notice!  Last week I was swamped between Halloween and finishing up a bunch of crafts/prep work for Julius’s birthday party this past Sunday.  It was a wild party, but I’ll tell you about that in a later post.  Today I’m getting together presents for Julius’ actual birthday tomorrow and doing more things for Patricia’s party this weekend.  Yeesh.  Talk about my marathon month!

I have sooo many adorable quotes though from the last couple weeks, that I thought I would share some of those, plus share some pictures from a celebration that is nearly a year old now that I haven’t found the right time to post!  It’s a win win win!  First for the quotes…

First, apparently Julius has been teaching Patricia the colors of the traffic lights.  But maybe not just the traffic lights… here is a conversation I overheard that slayed me:

Julius: What’s the green light mean?

Patricia: Go.

Julius: What’s the red light mean?

Patricia: Stop.

Julius: What’s the yellow light mean?

Patricia: Police is comin’.

Julius: Nope I stumped you!

Patricia: Slow down.

Julius: What’s the blue light mean?

Patricia: Police is comin’.

Okay another one that I have to put on here is this conversation between Julius and Patricia, talking about her “babies”, a myriad of stuffed animals who she won’t go anywhere without.

Patricia: My baby has a rash.

Julius: My baby has a rash too.

Patricia: Is Gaga your baby?  (Note: Gaga is Julius’s stuffed toy dog)

Julius: No he’s a 10 year old.

Patricia: Oh does he go to gymnastics?

Julius: No.

Patricia: Does he live in preschool?

Here’s one that I love.  One of the online card games Will plays has a card called “Beast Mama” and when you play it it says, “best mama is the beast mama”.  My children quote this everytime they are happy with me.  For instance, “you’re the best mama. Best mama is the beast mama!”  Then Patricia said this poetic slant rhyme:

Best mama is the beast mama

Best dada loves the beast mama

And a few one offs:

Patricia: A-R-A-R (or other random string of letters) I love you!  (Julius spells I L-O-V-E Y-O-U a lot)

Patricia: “Silly mama!” Said in a cheerful laughing voice whenever I do anything wrong.  It makes everything better.  For instance, “Dada left my pants at home today, isn’t that so silly?!  Silly dada!”

Patricia (While “reading” the little critter Halloween book):  “Me and my sister are going Halloween-ing”

And finally:

Patricia: “Mary had an oxygen who lives on white tail lane”

Okay now for the fabulous virtual party I have been waiting to show you!  My dear friend and co-worker Roger retired this past February.  No one was going into the office those days (let’s be honest I’m still not going in), so Amy and I arranged Roger a silly virtual retirement party complete with our good buddies Pat&Ron, snarky cookies and a silly banner for Roger to use on zoom calls.  Roger dubbed the 3 of us “AARP” (Amy Alexis Roger Pannell) many years ago and the acronym stuck.  You may remember other shenanigans with Roger such as peeps, more peeps, and decorating Amy’s cube with her own private island consisting of 300lbs of play sand (why don’t I have a picture of this?!)  Anywho, I have been so sad Roger was leaving me at work that I thought I would make him this very honest cookie.  You might have to zoom in and read between the lines.

All true.

Here’s the rest of the batch. Obviously Intel colors…

I’m not actually sure if Roger ate them because I did accidentally “poison him” many years ago… and you know, that memory kind of sticks.

Okay but for the piece de resistance – I made Roger this banner that I hoped he would appreciate.  As far as I know he used it for several zoom calls on his last day.

If you want to make your own for someone who is peacing out you can use my cricut pattern below!

See Ya Suckers Retirement Zoom Banner

What you’ll need: 

  • 2 12×12 pieces of cardstock in pattern of your choice
  • Cricut with basic cutting tool (I have the ExploreAir)
  • 2 yards of 5/8″ satin ribbon
  • Cricut Pattern Here
  1. Mount cardstock on 12×12 cutting mat and select appropriate material for cutting.
  2. Let Cricut cut out the letters, removing the letters from the mat when complete.  Repeat for second page.
  3. If using polyester satin ribbon melt the ends of your ribbon to prevent fraying by putting them close to a flame.
  4. Thread ribbon through the tops of the letters in order of S-E-E-Y-A-S-U-C-K-E-R-S.
  5. Hang!PS – Happy late birthday Roger!!!
Posted in Crafts & Sewing, Culinary Delights, Parties | 2 Comments

Lvl 1 Merdad

The leaves are AMAZING!  Last week everything was in full spectacular color and it was too beautiful to ignore!  I guess I’ve been annoying Patricia the last few weeks by pointing out how incredible all the colors are.  Now every time I point out a spectacular tree Patricia gets all pouty and says, “NO! Not even one tree is beautiful!  They are all just green!” Every. Single. Time.  It makes me chuckle.  No one can get me down because October is the best month!

Well I finished the Halloween costumes a whole 2 weeks early this year! Amazing, right?!  I will be honest.  I cheated slightly.  I only had to make 2.5 costumes this year.  Maybe more if you count the shirts.  You probably wouldn’t count the shirts.  Julius has wanted to be a shark since July.  Patricia has gone between octopus and sea turtle a few times before settling on mermaid.  And…. her mermaid tail from her first birthday party still fits her.  So there’s one mermaid tail down.  And did I mention I started making tails for Will and I for Patricia’s party but didn’t finish? So I had a half-made tail for myself.  As for the tops.  It is October on the east coast.  It’s cold.  And no one wants to see us all half naked.  No one.  So we decided to lean in and go for the “mer-family” look.  We decided to wear graphic tees that a mermaid family might wear…

Mine says “Mer-Mom”.  I think I might wear this one outside Halloween.  Will’s says “Lvl 1 Merdad” which is a reference to once of our favorite comics, Litterbox Comics.  They are basically us, but, like, cats.  (The comic I linked above is an actual conversation we once had complete with crying child over peeled banana.)  Patricia’s shirt is masterful.  Will gets full credit.  I asked “what would a toddler mermaid wear” and Will responded, “sea unicorn”.

“21st Century Mer-Family”

I designed all the shirts myself then used this method of sublimation here.  I briefly considered using the cricut to cut some sparkley HTV out, but sublimation was easier.  I’ve included my pngs below so you could use them yourself.  (As always, only for personal use.  If you want to sell stuff, come talk to me first.)  Don’t forget to mirror before you print!

Posted in Crafts & Sewing | 4 Comments

God bless the daylight

We had a great weekend visiting our college BFF Ryan and his lovely wife Lydia in LA.  Ryan had a billion amazing things planned for our visit to LA, including, the highlight for me, a Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service concert.  The last time I saw Death Cab was in college with Ryan.  They’ve apparently become a bit bigger since then, but were just as awesome.  It’s not every day I get to see my favorite band with some of my favorite people in the world.  I’m always sad when a vacation ends and I’m especially down this time.  The ray of sunshine is that I had happy kiddos waiting for me when I got home.

Now that I’m home, it’s real crunch time for Halloween/double birthday extravaganza season. I’ve already been staying up way too late for the last week making Halloween costumes.  I finished Julius’ right before my trip, but I’ll probably show you that next week.  He was delighted with his costume and wants to wear it all the time, so I consider that a win.

I should have written this on our 6 hour plane flight back, but since I didn’t, and it’s crunch time I’ll keep this short.  I’m going to show you a tutorial for a renaissance garment I made many years ago, but recently perfected.  It is a pocket!  It is such an easy thing to make, but can hold all the things!  I actually resurrected this pocket a few weeks ago because the awesome leather belt/pouch I got doesn’t really work over my more elegant ren dresses (which is basically all of them, because let’s be real, I’m a wanna be princess).

Ren Pocket to Hold all the Things

What you’ll need:

  • 1/4 yard of structured fabric (scraps are great – I used scrap corduroy fabric)
  • 1.5 yards 1/2″ ribbon
  1. Cut out fabric as per pattern above.
  2. Fold fabric down 3/4″ on the top of one of the pouch halves (right side out).  Stitch.  Repeat with second half. Note:  the picture shows step 2 after step 3, but I do not recommend doing it in this order.
  3. Place pouch halves on top of each other (right side in).
  4. Stitch all around the pouch, leaving the top hem side opened.  Turn right side out.
  5. Pin the ribbon to one side of the pouch opening, in the center of the ribbon length. Stitch.
  6. One more thing – if you used polyester ribbon you can move the ends close to the flame to melt the ribbon and prevent it from fraying.
  7. Tie around your waist to wear!

See the pocket over my dress here? It blends in rather nicely!


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Sweet Little Pumpkins

Hello dear friends, I hope you all basked in the glory of another fall weekend.  I know we sure did!  On Saturday I woke up with a headache but since I was watching the kids I eventually stopped noticing it.  A bonus of trying to keep up with your kids.  It was a rainy Saturday but that didn’t stop us.  We headed over to home depot to make a couple of float planes, read a few books at home and ate lunch that Will had prepared with Julius from one of Julius’ many cookbooks.  After lunch we headed over to the local paint your own pottery place to do some pottery painting.

For dinner I convinced the kids to go to IHOP.  Will was baffled by this decision on my part.  I love breakfast though, and once I told Julius what IHOP stood for, he was sold.  The kids soon decided IHOP was their new favorite restaurant.  Each kids menu had unique coloring and activities, like mad libs, which we had a great time with.  They had like 8 options for kids meals and they were very inexpensive and not just a platter of sugar.  I mean, Julius did get something called the cupcake pancake sampler, in which the dessert was the main course, but it also came with protein and we ordered a side of fruit so I call it a wash. Patricia got mac & cheese and applesauce (and fruit).  She ate pretty much the entire meal even after putting pepper in her applesauce.  Oh and the food came out insanely quickly given it’s a diner which is another win in the kid’s books.

After dinner we came home, finished up our float planes, and then flew them upstairs to the tub…. where they promptly sunk.  The kids were not upset.  We finished off the night by reading some Halloween books (my favorite).

The next day was absolutely beautiful fall weather.  We’ve been promising Julius that once he got his training wheels off and practiced for a while he could bike to the orchard with us.  He has been diligently practicing, so this weekend we took another fall bike ride to the local farm!  With the extra room in the wagon we went a teeeeeensy bit overboard with pumpkins.  We bought 7 pumpkins total and a half bushel of apples.  Patricia was a good sport making sure the pumpkins didn’t fall out of the trailer.

Julius biking!

Picking pumpkins in one of the patches.

That’s not even all the pumpkins.

This is all the pumpkins

Well, time to show you how I made Patricia’s overdress.  I am so happy with how the overdress came out that I’m thinking of making a new one for myself/re-doing my old one.  The overdress I made for maternity/nursing doesn’t fit quite so well anymore… (read: it looks like a sack).  The underdress still fits great though!  All the fabric I had in my stash… I’d bought this fabric from the thrift store a while back for a steal.

Toddler Overdress

Note: this was drafted to fit my daughter who is a 3T/4T but it fits my son who is a 5T and could probably fit loosely on someone smaller. 

What you’ll need:

  • 2 yards of midweight cotton, linen or similar woven fabric
  • Lightweight sew in interfacing
  • 6 5/8″ grommets
  • ribbon in coordinating color for lacing bodice.
  • Pattern <Note – I will post this pattern before 10/9/23, if you need it sooner than that ping me and I’ll prioritize posting it>
  1. Cut out pattern pieces as indicated.
  2. Stitch lightweight interfacing to one set of bodice fronts and back.
  3. Stitch bodice fronts and backs together at side seams and shoulder seams.
  4. Repeat for bodice lining.
  5. Place bodice outside and bodice lining right sides together and stitch all along the neck and front edges.
  6. Turn right side out, press.
  7. Stitch along the edges of neck and front, very close to the fold.  
  8. Turn armscye seam allowance in, then pin and stitch.
  9. Turn bottom of bodice seam allowance in then pin.
  10. Stitch 4 panels of skirt together at side seams.  If desired, serge.
  11. Form a rolled hem along the two sides of the skirt. Press and stitch.
  12. Attach skirt to underside of bodice by un-pinning and re-pinning (pins from step 9) and pleating as you go.  My pleats were fairly large, about 1″ long.
  13. Place grommets at indicated points on the pattern as per package instructions (usually involves a hammer)

    Grommet location drawn on dress

  14. Hem the bottom skirt to desired length.  (I left my hem fairly wide in hopes I could let it down an inch if needed.
  15. Lace bodice with ribbon as desired!

    Check out this cutie in costume!

    Close up of the bodice and my snuggle bug.


Posted in Crafts & Sewing, Thrift Finds | 5 Comments


Hello friends.  Monday again.  I hope you all had wonderful weekends.  I had such a great weekend.  On Saturday we went to our town’s craft and book fair and had a fun time browsing the crafts, booths and books.  Then we went for a short bike ride on the backroads near our house so Julius could practice road biking.  On Sunday we went to the local renaissance faire, which after our shenanigans a couple years ago you probably thought I might never go to again. Actually, it has been 7 years since I had the shop at the faire!  Time really flies.

My renaissance family

Laughing at the jousting

This guy was a little taller than Julius. (Will and I think it was John Mulaney under that costume.)

Julius’s favorite part – the fairy circle.  Fun fact – I used to tie a wish on the fairy circle every single day of the faire that we worked there.

Voyage to the new world

Why yes that is the underdress I made a few years ago… and the dress I made in high school… (And the hat I made in between.)

I spent the week before the faire making Patricia a costume.  I thought it was really darn cute.  She, however, was being very her usual contrarian self and refused to put it on for the final fitting.  Julius wanted to put it on, so he tried it on instead.  That’s how we know it fits either a size 3T/4T Patricia or a size 5T Julius.  Julius afterwards told us he wanted to keep it and wished boys wore dresses so he could have one.  I never know how to respond in these scenarios.  Last year I made him a tutu when he was sad that Patricia got a tutu, but he never wears it.  I would love to make him a dress to make him happy and f**k the status quo, but I am being cautious to avoid making him a subject of ridicule at school (kids are mean and he may not yet realize that).  Ultimately I resorted to saying something like, ‘you tell me if you really want one and I’ll work on it’.  We shall see what he decides.

My beautiful boy modeling Patricia’s outfit.

Patricia on the other hand is a complete gender conformist and has always been into dolls.  (Much the opposite of me as a child.)  She carries a baby doll around with her everywhere she goes.  It’s wild.  At the faire she carried around a stuffed baby doll she named “baby Sydney” (after my cousin’s adorable baby who she met in real life a couple months ago).  She also has another baby (girl) doll named George who she used to carry around all the time.  George seems to have fallen out of favor in recent weeks.  Patricia actually told us the other day “George died”.  Which was a bit disturbing, but she’s probably just processing my grandpa’s death.  When she told us George died, Julius looked at us shocked.  Julius is still Patricia’s favorite.  Patricia won’t let anyone hold her baby dolls except Julius because “my baby likes just only me and Julius”.  When asked this morning what she did over the weekend during her round table at preschool, she said “I played with my brother”.  Clearly that is the highlight of her weekend.

Two love bugs

My highlight of the weekend?  Probably when Patricia and Julius went into “the Jester’s maze” by themselves and Patricia came out a solid 5 minutes before Julius did.  I have no idea how she found her way to the end before he did but it was hilarious.  When asked where Julius was she responded, “Julius wouldn’t listen”.  Not sure what that meant!

Patricia down the slide first

Toddler Medieval Underdress

What you’ll need:

  • about 1.5 yards of linen shirting (or cotton)
  • about 1 yard of 1/2″ twill tape
  • 1 foot of 1/4″ elastic.
  1. I followed the instructions I used for my medieval overdress except I made a couple of modifications for the neckline and sleeve ruffles.  I actually might make these modifications to my own dress I was so pleased with them!
  2. I followed steps 1&2 and plugged in Patricia’s measurements and came out with the following.  The only adjustments I made were to add 2″ for ruffles in the arm.  (Obviously it is not drawn to scale.)  Note the arms came out about 3/4 length!  If you want them longer, you will need to add more length! 
  3. I followed steps 3-5.  Then instead of step 6 I did the following…
  4. Cut a 4″ slit in the center neckline on one side.
  5. Fold the side areas of the slit under so the unfinished edges are inside and stitch.  
  6. Next fold under the top hem by 1/4″ then fold over again by 3/4″ Stitch close to the bottom fold line.
  7. Instead of inserting elastic, insert twill tape through the hem.  Make sure the tape is a few inches longer than the entire neckline.  Gather. 
  8. Skip steps 6-9 in the adult medieval underdress pattern.
  9. After hemming the sleeves, add some twill tape on the end of the sleeve hem inside the shirt.  Sew close to the edges of the twill tape to form a casing for the elastic.  Be sure to leave a gap to insert the elastic.  
  10. Feed elastic into the casing you just made, pull it tightly so it forms a ruffle and then tie or stitch the elastic together at your desired length.  
  11. You can then finish enclosing the elastic in the tape by stitching the ends closed.  Repeat for second sleeve. 
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Extra Padding

We just put up our Halloween decorations decorations this week, so it’s officially the most wonderful time of the year.  I just love the fall!  The leaves turning, the weather getting cooler, apple picking, pumpkins, harvest and craft festivals, then costumes, ghosts, bats, scary stories, warm apple cider and wrapping it all up with Thanksgiving.  What isn’t to love?!  I cannot tell you.  It is the perfect season and it brings me great joy.  Maybe that’s why both my babies were born in the fall, because my body knew all good things happen in fall.

I don’t know if it’s the fall or what, but I’ve picked up my motivation levels a bit.  Perhaps it’s all the crafts I need to complete in the next month – renaissance costumes, Halloween costumes and TWO birthday parties and birthdays.  Despite the looming deadlines I finally managed to finish up a project I started ages ago – chair pads for my kitchen chairs.

You may remember that my children were offended when I replaced the kitchen chairs with rush chairs.  I think the rush chairs are beautiful, but Patricia is constantly smashing crumbs into them, so I wanted something that might be easier to clean.  Someone was giving away some outdoor chair pads that were pretty beat up and I knew I could save them from the garbage and also get some free stuffing!  I disassembled all the cushions and removed their foam and zippers.  I’m not sure if I can do anything with the fabric since it’s outdoor fabric and pretty beat up, but I’m still thinking.  The first pad took some time including the pattern creation, but after that the other 3 were a breeze!  Oh and you may recognize this fabric when I made the play kitchen back less ugly a work of art.  This fabric is awesome for chair pads.  The morning after I made Patricia’s chair pad she covered it in blueberry juice.  You can’t even tell.  It looks like part of the artwork.

Custom Chair Pads

What you’ll need:

  • upholstery fabric
  • 1.5″ foam
  • zipper
  • velcro
  1. All chair sizes are different.  For starters you’ll need to measure out your chair and make a template from paper.  As a tip, I made a first draft, then used a ruler to draw a more straight and even version, folding it in half along the center to make sure it is symmetric across the center.
  2. Next you’ll need to cut 2 pieces of fabric from your template, one for the top and one for the bottom.  The template has no seam allowance, so be sure to add 1/2″ seam allowance all around.
  3. Measure the length around your chair, omitting the back piece (this is where the zipper will go).  Cut a strip of fabric that is 2.5″ wide and the length you measured around your chair, plus 1″.   If you have little indents for the chairs back, add another 1″.
  4. Stitch the strip of fabric around the length of one of your chair pad pieces, right sides together, leaving the back portion opened.  If you have little indents for the chair back and plan to add ties, do not stitch inside the indents at this time.  At each corner, stop, then backstitch to reinforce.  Then fold the fabric down and continue sewing.
  5. If you would like to add tie tabs, cut 4 strips 2″x5″.
  6. Fold strips in half, right sides in.  Stitch around the top and side of the fabric then turn inside out to form a tie.
  7. To integrate ties, trim down ends of the strip of fabric you sewed in step 4 so only 1/2″ remains.  Position a tie on top of one end of strip so the unfinished end of the tie matches the unfinished end of the strip.  Tie should be centered in the strip.  Place trimmed piece of strip on top of this piece to form a sandwich.  Stitch these 3 pieces together.
  8. Stitch remaining strip along the indent.
  9. Repeat step 7 and 8 for the other side of the chair.
  10. Measure the back portion of your chair (the part you omitted in step 3). Cut two 1 3/4″ wide pieces of  fabric to this length.
  11. Fold down 1/2″ of material along the length of the strip.
  12. With the zipper closed pin the folded strip to the zipper.  The fold should be at the center of the zipper.  Use a zipper foot to stitch.
  13. Repeat steps 11 & 12 for second side.
  14. Stitch the zipper placket to the back opened portion of the chair.
  15. Repeat step 7 for the tie where the zipper and indent strip meet.   Repeat for other side.
  16. Stitch the entire top seat pad to the strip and zipper placket you attached in step 4-14.
  17. Clip corners and snip into inner corners (if any exist in your design).
  18. Open zipper and turn right side out.
  19. Stitch velcro onto your tabs.  Be sure to imagine how the tabs will wrap around your chair back in order to properly place the velcro.
  20. Use your template to draw onto your foam.
  21. Cut foam with no seam allowance.  Mine came with batting, I also cut this down.
  22. Fold foam in half and insert into the case you made.
  23. Use on your chairs!

    Ignore the mess on my counter. Do you see what I’m working with in the way of spills?


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Waterproof, not Toddler Proof

Hello friends!  I’m in another exciting town meeting again, so what better to do than zone out and daydream until they call for a vote?!  Despite a truly horrible week last week (Patricia was sick and home from school without care for 4 days last week) we had a great time this past weekend.  We bounced at the trampoline park, went apple picking and even had a tea party.  As the icing on the cake, Patricia is finally back to her usual cheerful self today after 7 days of being a sad lady.  Oh and Julius learned to bike with his training wheels off too!  What a week!

Patricia despite her crankiness, still had her moments.  Everything she says at this age is pure gold.  I love to listen to Patricia and Julius converse during their imagination play.  Julius doesn’t just pull her along for the ride, he actually has her fully participate.  For instance yesterday we excused them from the table yesterday and they both ran over to the couches (their sleeper trains) and Julius, slightly behind, shouted, “Patricia is the train leaving?”  To which she responded, “oh no, not yet don’t worry.”  It is great to have a friend to play with and I love watching the two of them interact.

I also (usually) love her frankness.  Yesterday in the car she was wearing a baseball cap and she exclaimed, “I am the coolest!”  She was being so silly so I said, “what about me?  Am I the coolest?” She quickly responded, “No mama.  You aren’t the coolest ‘cause you don’t look like this ‘cause you don’t have your hat on.”  I then put on my really, really (un)attractive “desert sun hat” (yes you read that right, complete with wide brim, neck coverage, a lanyard and detachable veil).  I asked, “how ‘bout now?”  She quickly responded, “oh yeah, now you’re the coolest.”  Satisfaction.

Now for Julius.  He still is adorable of course.  He’s also doing great with reading; reading well above his grade level.  (Luckily his kindergarten teacher is awesome, aware of his reading skill and working to keep him engaged with harder content.)  Because of this, I tend to treat him as a big guy, and I forget that he’s really just a little guy.  The other day at cub scouts the leader called for a toast.  Before the toast, he asked the kids if anyone knew what “a toast” was.  Julius raised his hand and said, “it’s when you take bread, and you cook it again in the oven so it gets crispy”.  The adults in the back were trying really hard not to chuckle too loudly.  It was so adorable.

Okay so I don’t know if you can call my stickers adorable, but if you like them, they are yours.  I love to draw doodles, so I will probably draw some in the future.  After I explain how I made these (again reminder, I’m still not sure this is the best method) I’ll have a follow up on how I got them to stay on toddler water bottles.  Toddlers, who frequently do tape removal activities in preschool, also love to peel stickers it turns out.  Patricia’s water bottle survived several days when it was just her using it, and then on the first day back to preschool 75% of the stickers had been peeled off.  I’m not sure if she finally succumbed to the temptation, or if her friends circled the water bottle like vultures when she returned.  Let me just say that “permanent” cricut vinyl is not toddler tested.

Sublimation Stickers on Vinyl

What you’ll need:

  • Sublimation printer, ink and paper
  • White Permanent Vinyl
  • Heat press
  • heat resistant tape
  • parchment paper
  • My sticker sheet!  (If you so desire)
  1. Using your sublimation printer, print out your design on sublimation paper (remember to mirror the image!).
  2. Set your heat press to 350F and wait for it to heat.
  3. Use heat resistant tape to tape sublimation paper image to vinyl, face down.
  4. Cover the design in parchment paper then heat press for 30 seconds.  Make sure to do this in a well ventilated area.  Next time I’m wearing a respirator.
  5. Let cool.
  6. Remove tape and remove design, it will probably have stuck to the vinyl.
  7. Wet the rest of the paper under the faucet and gently rub your hands over the remaining paper to remove.
  8. You can then cut your stickers out (or if you used the cricut print and cut option, you can cut them with your cricut!)

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