Well you probably have been wondering where I was last week! Or maybe you didn’t even notice! Last week I was swamped between Halloween and finishing up a bunch of crafts/prep work for Julius’s birthday party this past Sunday. It was a wild party, but I’ll tell you about that in a later post. Today I’m getting together presents for Julius’ actual birthday tomorrow and doing more things for Patricia’s party this weekend. Yeesh. Talk about my marathon month!
I have sooo many adorable quotes though from the last couple weeks, that I thought I would share some of those, plus share some pictures from a celebration that is nearly a year old now that I haven’t found the right time to post! It’s a win win win! First for the quotes…
First, apparently Julius has been teaching Patricia the colors of the traffic lights. But maybe not just the traffic lights… here is a conversation I overheard that slayed me:
Julius: What’s the green light mean?
Patricia: Go.
Julius: What’s the red light mean?
Patricia: Stop.
Julius: What’s the yellow light mean?
Patricia: Police is comin’.
Julius: Nope I stumped you!
Patricia: Slow down.
Julius: What’s the blue light mean?
Patricia: Police is comin’.
Okay another one that I have to put on here is this conversation between Julius and Patricia, talking about her “babies”, a myriad of stuffed animals who she won’t go anywhere without.
Patricia: My baby has a rash.
Julius: My baby has a rash too.
Patricia: Is Gaga your baby? (Note: Gaga is Julius’s stuffed toy dog)
Julius: No he’s a 10 year old.
Patricia: Oh does he go to gymnastics?
Julius: No.
Patricia: Does he live in preschool?
Here’s one that I love. One of the online card games Will plays has a card called “Beast Mama” and when you play it it says, “best mama is the beast mama”. My children quote this everytime they are happy with me. For instance, “you’re the best mama. Best mama is the beast mama!” Then Patricia said this poetic slant rhyme:
Best mama is the beast mama
Best dada loves the beast mama
And a few one offs:
Patricia: A-R-A-R (or other random string of letters) I love you! (Julius spells I L-O-V-E Y-O-U a lot)
Patricia: “Silly mama!” Said in a cheerful laughing voice whenever I do anything wrong. It makes everything better. For instance, “Dada left my pants at home today, isn’t that so silly?! Silly dada!”
Patricia (While “reading” the little critter Halloween book): “Me and my sister are going Halloween-ing”
And finally:
Patricia: “Mary had an oxygen who lives on white tail lane”
Okay now for the fabulous virtual party I have been waiting to show you! My dear friend and co-worker Roger retired this past February. No one was going into the office those days (let’s be honest I’m still not going in), so Amy and I arranged Roger a silly virtual retirement party complete with our good buddies Pat&Ron, snarky cookies and a silly banner for Roger to use on zoom calls. Roger dubbed the 3 of us “AARP” (Amy Alexis Roger Pannell) many years ago and the acronym stuck. You may remember other shenanigans with Roger such as peeps, more peeps, and decorating Amy’s cube with her own private island consisting of 300lbs of play sand (why don’t I have a picture of this?!) Anywho, I have been so sad Roger was leaving me at work that I thought I would make him this very honest cookie. You might have to zoom in and read between the lines.
I’m not actually sure if Roger ate them because I did accidentally “poison him” many years ago… and you know, that memory kind of sticks.
Okay but for the piece de resistance – I made Roger this banner that I hoped he would appreciate. As far as I know he used it for several zoom calls on his last day.
If you want to make your own for someone who is peacing out you can use my cricut pattern below!
See Ya Suckers Retirement Zoom Banner
What you’ll need:
- 2 12×12 pieces of cardstock in pattern of your choice
- Cricut with basic cutting tool (I have the ExploreAir)
- 2 yards of 5/8″ satin ribbon
- Cricut Pattern Here
- Mount cardstock on 12×12 cutting mat and select appropriate material for cutting.
- Let Cricut cut out the letters, removing the letters from the mat when complete. Repeat for second page.
- If using polyester satin ribbon melt the ends of your ribbon to prevent fraying by putting them close to a flame.
- Thread ribbon through the tops of the letters in order of S-E-E-Y-A-S-U-C-K-E-R-S.
- Hang!
PS – Happy late birthday Roger!!!
That cookie and its message was too funny. I am amazed you got all the words pipes on.
When did you accidentally “poison” Roger? How am I not remembering this??
TBH I’m so glad you don’t remember. I brought him a piece of pumpkin pie from my fridge after the power had gone out. I did not think about the fact that you probably shouldn’t eat things from your fridge after the power goes out… nevermind serve it to someone else. I have learned a lot since post college!